Friends of Hartman Creek State Park connects people with nature by providing financial support and promoting volunteerism, education, recreation and stewardship of the Park’s natural resources for present and future generations.

Get Involved!
There are many ways you can help out and be involved at Hartman Creek. From a one-time donation, to volunteering at the park, to being a member of the Friends, you can find the right amount for you!

The Friends of Hartman Creek State Park was originally founded in 1992 as a way to provide support to the park. Since then there have been lots of changes to our group, but we’ve never stopped providing financial and volunteer support to the park.

There are many big and small projects that the Friends are involved in around the park – check out what we’ve been up to lately, and how your volunteer time & donations are put to great use!

Newsletters & Other Publications
Friends publishes a spring, fall and winter newsletter for all the events and other information at the park for our members and anyone interested about Hartman Creek.